Cosmic flows in the nearby universe from Type Ia Supernovae
Cosmic Flows on 100 Mpc/h Scales: Standardized Minimum Variance Bulk Flow, Shear and Octupole Moments
Cosmic Flows: Univ. Hawaii 2.2m I-band Photometry
Cosmic Gamma-Ray Background from Star-Forming Galaxies
Cosmic Gamma-ray from Inverse Compton Process in Unstable Dark Matter Scenario
Cosmic GRB energy-redshift relation and Primordial flares as possible energy source for the central engine
Cosmic Inflation: How the Universe became locally flat and plentiful
Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment (CIBER): A Probe of Extragalactic Background Light from Reionization
Cosmic Infrared Background Fluctuations in Deep Spitzer IRAC Images: Data Processing and Analysis
Cosmic Lighthouses : Unveiling the nature of high-redshift galaxies
Cosmic Mach Number: A Sensitive Probe for the Growth of Structure
Cosmic magnetic fields and dark energy in extended electromagnetism
Cosmic Magnetic Fields: from Stars and Galaxies to the Primordial Universe
Cosmic Magnetic Fields: Observations and Prospects
Cosmic magnification: nulling the intrinsic clustering signal
Cosmic microwave anisotropies in an inhomogeneous compact flat universe
Cosmic microwave background anomalies viewed via Gumbel Statistics
Cosmic Microwave Background Bispectrum from the Lensing--Rees-Sciama Correlation Reexamined: Effects of Non-linear Matter Clustering
Cosmic microwave background bispectrum of tensor passive modes induced from primordial magnetic fields
Cosmic microwave background bispectrum of vector modes induced from primordial magnetic fields