Cosmic Core-Collapse Supernovae from Upcoming Sky Surveys
Cosmic curvature from de Sitter equilibrium cosmology
Cosmic density field reconstruction from Ly-alpha forest data
Cosmic Discordance: Detection of a modulation in the primordial fluctuation spectrum
Cosmic Distance Duality Relation and the Shape of Galaxy Clusters
Cosmic dust in MgII absorbers
Cosmic Equation of state from Strong Gravitational Lensing Systems
Cosmic Evolution of Black Holes and Spheroids. IV. The BH Mass - Spheroid Luminosity Relation
Cosmic evolution of radio selected active galactic nuclei in the COSMOS field
Cosmic Evolution of Radio Sources in ATLAS
Cosmic Evolution of Size and Velocity Dispersion for Early Type Galaxies
Cosmic Evolution of Star Formation In SDSS Quasar Hosts Since z=1
Cosmic evolution of submillimeter galaxies and their contribution to stellar mass assembly
Cosmic evolution of the atomic and molecular gas content of galaxies
Cosmic evolution of the CIV in high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations
Cosmic Evolution of Virial and Stellar Mass in Massive Early-Type Galaxies
Cosmic expansion and growth histories in Galileon scalar-tensor models of dark energy
Cosmic Feedback from AGN
Cosmic Feedback from Supermassive Black Holes
Cosmic Flows : Green Bank and Parkes HI observations