CORS Baade-Wesselink distance to the LMC NGC 1866 blue populous cluster
Cos observations of metal line and broad lyman alpha absorption in the multi-phase o vi and ne viii system toward he 02226-4110
COSEBIs: Extracting the full E-/B-mode information from cosmic shear correlation functions
Cosmic acceleration a new review
Cosmic Acceleration and a New Concordance from Causal Backreaction
Cosmic acceleration and the challenge of modifying gravity
Cosmic Acceleration from Causal Backreaction in a Smoothly Inhomogeneous Universe
Cosmic age problem revisited in the holographic dark energy model
Cosmic age test in inhomogeneous cosmological models mimicking $Λ$CDM on the light cone
Cosmic antimatter: models and phenomenology
Cosmic axion thermalization
Cosmic Baldness
Cosmic Bose dark matter
Cosmic Bubble Collisions
Cosmic Cartography of the Large-Scale Structure with Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6
Cosmic Chemical Evolution with an Early Population of Intermediate Mass Stars
Cosmic Chronometers: Constraining the Equation of State of Dark Energy. I: H(z) Measurements
Cosmic Chronometers: Constraining the Equation of State of Dark Energy. II. A Spectroscopic Catalog of Red Galaxies in Galaxy Clusters
Cosmic Constraint to DGP Brane Model: Geometrical and Dynamical Perspectives
Cosmic Constraints on Holographic Dark Energy in Brans-Dicke Theory