Contribution to the Diffuse Radio Background from Extragalactic Radio Sources
Contributions to the Dark Matter 3-Pt Function from the Radiation Era
Controlling intrinsic alignments in weak lensing statistics: The nulling and boosting techniques
Controlling intrinsic-shear alignment in three-point weak lensing statistics
Convergence of Galaxy Properties with Merger Tree Temporal Resolution
Convolution and deconvolution based estimates of galaxy scaling relations from photometric redshift surveys
Cool core remnants in galaxy clusters
Cool gas and dust in M33: Results from the Herschel M33 extended survey (HERM33ES)
Cooling and Heating Functions of Photoionized Gas
Copula Cosmology: Constructing a Likelihood Function
COrE (Cosmic Origins Explorer) A White Paper
Core collapse supernovae and starbursts
Core Gas Sloshing in Abell 1644
Core-collapse supernova enrichment in the core of the Virgo Cluster
Core-Collapse Supernovae and Host Galaxy Stellar Populations
Core-Collapse Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory: Indications for a Different Population in Dwarf Galaxies
Core-Cusp revisited and Dark Matter Phase Transition Constrained at O(0.1) eV with LSB Rotation Curve
Cores and Cusps in Warm Dark Matter Halos
Cores in Dwarf Galaxies from Dark Matter with a Yukawa Potential
Cores in warm dark matter haloes: a Catch 22 problem