Constraints on the High-l Power Spectrum of Millimeter-wave Anisotropies from APEX-SZ
Constraints on the Hubble Parameter from galaxy clusters and the Validity of the Cosmic Distance Duality Relation
Constraints on the induced gravitational wave background from primordial black holes
Constraints on the inner density profile of dark-matter haloes from weak gravitational lensing
Constraints on the low-mass end of the mass-metallicity relation at z=1-2 from lensed galaxies
Constraints on the multi-TeV particle population in the Coma Galaxy Cluster with H.E.S.S. observations
Constraints on the neutrino mass and the primordial magnetic field from the matter density fluctuation parameter $σ_8$
Constraints on the Neutrino Mass from SZ Surveys
Constraints on the Phase Plane of the Dark Energy Equation of State
Constraints on the Polarization of the Anomalous Microwave Emission in the Perseus Molecular Complex from 7-year WMAP data
Constraints on the presence of water megamaser emission in z~2.5 ultraluminous infrared starburst galaxies
Constraints on the Progenitor System of the Type Ia Supernova SN 2011fe/PTF11kly
Constraints on the Redshift Evolution of the L_X-SFR Relation from the Cosmic X-Ray Backgrounds
Constraints on the relationship between stellar mass and halo mass at low and high redshift
Constraints on the Star-Forming Interstellar Medium in Galaxies Back to the First Billion Years of Cosmic Time
Constraints on the SZ Power Spectrum on Degree Angular Scales in WMAP Data
Constraints on the topology of the Universe derived from the 7-year WMAP data
Constraints on the Universal CIV Mass Density at z~6 from Early IR Spectra Obtained with the Magellan FIRE Spectrograph
Constraints on turbulent pressure in the X-ray halos of giant elliptical galaxies from resonant scattering
Constraints on turbulent velocity broadening for a sample of clusters, groups and elliptical galaxies using XMM-Newton