Constraining the interacting dark energy models from weak gravity conjecture and recent observations
Constraining the Lattice Fluid Dark Energy from SNe Ia, BAO and OHD
Constraining the location of the emitting region in Fermi blazars through rapid gamma-ray variability
Constraining the low-mass end of the Initial Mass Function with Gravitational Lensing
Constraining the Minimum Mass of High-Redshift Galaxies and Their Contribution to the Ionization State of the IGM
Constraining the Molecular Gas in the Environs of a z~8 Gamma Ray Burst Host Galaxy
Constraining the nature of the most distant Gamma-Ray Burst host galaxies
Constraining the near-IR background light from Population-III stars using high redshift gamma-ray sources
Constraining the Properties of SNe~Ia Progenitors from Light Curves
Constraining the Redshift Evolution of FIRST Radio Sources in RCS1 Galaxy Clusters
Constraining the role of star cluster mergers in nuclear cluster formation: Simulations confront integral-field data
Constraining the star formation and the assembly histories of normal and compact early-type galaxies at 1<z<2
Constraining the Thermal Dust Content of Lyman-Break Galaxies in an Overdense Field at z~5
Constraining the time variation of the coupling constants from cosmic microwave background: effect of Λ_{QCD}
Constraining the topology of the Universe using the polarised CMB maps
Constraining the unexplored period between reionization and the dark ages with observations of the global 21 cm signal
Constraining Type Ia Supernovae progenitors from three years of SNLS data
Constraining Variable High Velocity Winds from Broad Absorption Line Quasars with Multi-Epoch Spectroscopy
Constraining Variations in the Fine Structure Constant in the presence of Early Dark Energy
Constraint on a variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio from H2 absorption towards quasar Q2348-011