Constraining Star Formation and AGN in z~2 Massive Galaxies using High Resolution MERLIN Radio Observations
Constraining Sterile Neutrino Warm Dark Matter with Chandra Observations of the Andromeda Galaxy
Constraining super-critical string/brane cosmologies with astrophysical data
Constraining Thawing Dark Energy using Galaxy Cluster Number Counts
Constraining Thawing Quintessence
Constraining the ages of the fireballs in the wake of the dIrr galaxy VCC1217 / IC3418
Constraining the Black Hole Mass Spectrum with Gravitational Wave Observations I: The Error Kernel
Constraining the Black Hole Mass Spectrum with LISA Observations II: Direct comparison of detailed models
Constraining the coalescence rate of supermassive black-hole binaries using pulsar timing
Constraining the cosmic radiation density due to lepton number with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Constraining the dark energy and smoothness parameter with type Ia Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts
Constraining the dark energy equation of state using LISA observations of spinning Massive Black Hole binaries
Constraining the dark energy equation of state with double source plane strong lenses
Constraining the dark fluid
Constraining the Detailed Balance Condition in Horava Gravity with Cosmic Accelerating Expansion
Constraining the Equation of State of Dark Energy with Gamma Rays
Constraining the expansion history of the universe from the red shift evolution of cosmic shear
Constraining the expansion rate of the Universe using low-redshift ellipticals as cosmic chronometers
Constraining the formation of inner bars. Photometry, kinematics and stellar populations in NGC 357
Constraining the Inflationary Equation of State