Constraining Inflationary Scenarios with Braneworld Models and Second Order Cosmological Perturbations
Constraining Intra-cluster Gas Models with AMiBA13
Constraining large scale HI bias using redshifted 21-cm signal from the post-reionization epoch
Constraining Light Gravitino Mass from Cosmic Microwave Background
Constraining local UV field geometry at reionization using Milky Way satellites
Constraining Models of Dark Energy
Constraining Modified Gravity with Euclid
Constraining modified growth patterns with tomographic surveys
Constraining Perturbative Early Dark Energy with Current Observations
Constraining Primordial Magnetism
Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with cosmological weak lensing: shear and flexion
Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with future galaxy surveys
Constraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity with High-Redshift Probes
Constraining properties of dusty environments by infrared variability
Constraining Quasar and IGM Properties Through Bubble Detection in Redshifted 21 cm Maps
Constraining reionization using 21 cm observations in combination with CMB and Lyman-alpha forest data
Constraining Satellite Galaxy Stellar Mass Loss and Predicting Intrahalo Light I: Framework and Results at Low Redshift
Constraining scalar field dark energy with cosmological observations
Constraining scalar field properties with boson stars as black hole mimickers
Constraining scalar fields with stellar kinematics and collisional dark matter