Consistency relation for the Lorentz invariant single-field inflation
Consistency Test of Dark Energy Models
Consistent initial data for CMD perturbations
Constant surface gravity and density profile of dark matter
Constrained correlation functions
Constrained Local UniversE Simulations (CLUES)
Constrained probability distributions of correlation functions
Constrained simulations of the Local Group: on the radial distribution of substructures
Constrained simulations of the local universe: II. The nature of the local Hubble flow
Constraining a spatially dependent rotation of the Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization
Constraining blazar distances with combined Fermi and TeV data: an empirical approach
Constraining broad-line regions from time lags of broad emission lines relative to radio emission
Constraining changes in the proton-electron mass ratio with inversion and rotational lines
Constraining Cluster Physics with the Shape of X-ray Clusters: Comparison of Local X-ray Clusters versus LCDM Clusters
Constraining cosmic reionization with quasar, gamma ray burst, and Lya emitter observations
Constraining cosmological parameters by Gamma Ray Burst X - ray afterglow lightcurves
Constraining dark energy fluctuations with supernova correlations
Constraining Dark Energy with Clusters: Complementarity with Other Probes
Constraining dark energy with gamma-ray bursts
Constraining dark matter halo properties using lensed SNLS supernovae