Confronting Simulations with the Observed CGM at z=0
Confronting the damping of the baryon acoustic oscillations with observation
Confronting theoretical models with the observed evolution of the galaxy population out to z=4
Confronting Tracker Field Quintessence with Data
Confusing the extragalactic neutrino flux limit with a neutrino propagation limit
Connected structure in the 2dFGRS
Connecting stellar mass and star-formation rate to dark matter halo mass out to z ~ 2
Connecting the cosmic web to the spin of dark halos: implications for galaxy formation
Connecting the Gamma Ray Burst Rate and the Cosmic Star Formation History: Implications for Reionization and Galaxy Evolution
Connection between gamma-ray and radio activity of blazars from Fermi-LAT and 15 GHz radio monitoring with the OVRO 40-Meter Telescope
Connection between Newtonian simulations and general relativity
Consequences of cosmic microwave background-regulated star formation
Conservation of the nonlinear curvature perturbation in generic single-field inflation
Conservative upper limits on WIMP annihilation cross section from Fermi-LAT γ-rays
Considerations of Cosmic Acceleration
Considerations on some neglected but impotant issues concerning the In ternal Linear Combination method in Astronomy
Consistency among distance measurements: transparency, BAO scale and accelerated expansion
Consistency check of ΛCDM phenomenology
Consistency criteria for generalized Cuddeford systems
Consistency of LCDM with Geometric and Dynamical Probes