Calibration of GRB Luminosity Relations with Cosmography
Calibration of Nonthermal Pressure in Global Dark Matter Simulations of Clusters of Galaxies
Calibration of star formation rate tracers for short- and long-lived star formation episodes
Calibration of [O IV] 26 micron as a Measure of Intrinsic AGN Luminosity
CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey: Early Report
CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey: I. Survey presentation
Caltech Core-Collapse Project (CCCP) observations of type IIn supernovae: typical properties and implications for their progenitor stars
Can 21-cm observations discriminate between high-mass and low-mass galaxies as reionization sources?
Can a supernova bang twice?
Can axion-like particles explain the alignments of the polarisations of light from quasars?
Can conduction induce convection? The non-linear saturation of buoyancy instabilities in dilute plasmas
Can cosmic acceleration be caused by exotic massless particles?
Can Cosmic Parallax Distinguish Between Anisotropic Cosmologies?
Can Cosmological Accretion be Observed in H-alpha at z~2?
Can Coupled Dark Energy Speed Up the Bullet Cluster?
Can decaying modes save void models for acceleration?
Can dust emission be used to map the interstellar medium in high-redshift galaxies? Results from the Herschel Reference Survey
Can f(R) gravity mimic dark energy with constant equation of state parameter ?
Can galactic outflows explain the properties of Ly-alpha emitters?
Can galaxy outflows and re-accretion produce the downsizing in specific star formation rate of late-type galaxies?