Technology, characterization, and applications of adaptive mirrors fabricated with IC-compatible micromachining
Technology, limitations and applications of space technology in developing countries
Tectonic and dynamic controls on the topography and subsidence of the Argentine Pampas: The role of the flat slab
Tectonic plate motions derived from Lageos
Tectonics and volcanism on Mars: a compared remote sensing analysis with earthly geostructures
Telecommunications with a relativistic spacecraft optimized via the Karhunen-Loève Transform (KLT)
Telemedicine: Future Medical Care Possibilities On Board
Teleoperated inspection robots for space and Earth applications
Telepresence by high-data rate satellite communications
Telescience opportunities in the precursor flights
Telescope multi-field wavefront control with a Kalman filter
Telescope performance near local midnight for the Japanese Advanced Meteorological Imager (JAMI)
Telescope with wavelength-agile diffractive wavefront control
Television automatic video-line tester
Television ground tracking applied to aerospace and astronomical events
Television observations of faint meteors. I - Mass distribution and diurnal rate variation
Telling cause from effect based on high-dimensional observations
Tellipsoid: Exploiting inter-gene correlation for improved detection of differential gene expression
TEM Study of Compositional Modulations in a GaInAsSb Film Grown on GaSb Vicinal Substrates
Temperature and abundance retrieval for exoplanet atmospheres