Laser light sources for space-based gravitational wave detectors
Laser measuring system for wire-wrapped frame assemblies
Laser metrology in the micro-arcsecond metrology testbed
Laser microprobe (U Th)/He geochronology
Laser modeling of high-velocity impact
Laser plasma diagnostics of dense plasmas
Laser Plasma Microthruster Performance Evaluation
Laser power beaming infrastructure for space power and propulsion
Laser probe Ar-40/Ar-39 studies of the Peace River shocked L6 chondrite
Laser Propulsion Activities in Germany
Laser Propulsion and the Constant Momentum Mission
Laser Propulsion for LOTV Space Missions
Laser Propulsion: The Early Years
Laser radar instrument for the Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission
Laser radar with atomic vapor ultranarrowband image detectors (UBID)
Laser Raman Diagnostics in Subsonic and Supersonic Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flames.
Laser rangefinders
Laser scattering system on the NRL Triton experiment
Laser simulation of light and plasma action on comets and planets
Laser simulation of light and plasma action on comets and planets