Legal Provisions Applicable to the Definition of Outer Space
LELUYA -- the First Exact General 2D Radiative Transfer Solver
Length of arc as independent argument for highly eccentric orbits
Length of day and atmospheric angular momentum - A comparison of 1981-1983
Lens Galaxies and their Enviroment
Lens Surveys & Statistics
Lensing Theory and Applications (Blackboard Lecture)
Lensing with KIDS
Lensing, Dynamics and X-rays of Clusters of Galaxies
Leo and me
Leo Breiman
Leo Breiman: An important intellectual and personal force in statistics, my life and that of many others
Leonid fluxes: 1994-1998 activity patterns
Lepenski vir - the sacral calendar of the Sun deity
Les ADAF : Application aux binaires X
Les antennes
Les Catalogues d'Etoiles Variables et le Satellite Astrométrique Hipparcos
Les Donnees Existantes pour les Etoiles Candidates AU Catalogue D'entree
Les géantes et supergéantes rouges. Résultats récents en I.R.. Implications sur la dynamique des atmosphères et la perte de masse
LES of Temporally Evolving Mixing Layers by Three High Order Schemes