Iron stable isotopes: beyond biosignatures
Irradiance from stars based on blackbody theory
Irradiation facilities at SCK·CEN for radiation tolerance assessment of space materials
Irradiation of accretion disks around young objects. I - Near-infrared CO bands
Irradiation of Solid Bodies in the Outer Solar System
Irradiation of the companion star in cataclysmic variables
Irradiation-induced mass-overflow instability as a possible cause of superoutbursts in SU UMa stars
Irradiations. Accumulated doses. Heavy ions
Irregular and adaptive sampling for automatic geophysic measure systems
Irregular interface parametrization in 3-D wide-angle seismic traveltime tomography
Irregular sets and Central Limit Theorems for dependent triangular arrays
Irregularity excitation associated with charged dust cloud boundary layers
Irrotational perfect fluids with a purely electric Weyl tensor
IRSUTE: a multispectral IR observation instrument on a small satellite
IRTM Observations of Martian South Polar Frosts
Is Bayes Posterior just Quick and Dirty Confidence?
Is chaos becoming conversational?
Is cosmic drift a cosmic myth?
Is coverage a factor in non-Gaussianity of IMF parameters?
Is Electromagnetic Gravity Control Possible?