Investigation of high amplification events in light curves of gravitationally lensed quasars
Investigation of IO Performance in a Weather Model
Investigation of low power start-up characteristics of a loop heat pipe
Investigation of Magnetic Properties of Emerging Active Regions
Investigation of mechanical properties and microstructure of various molybdenum-rhenium alloys
Investigation of micro-flaring and secular and quasi-periodic variations in the dMe flare stars. II - 'Time signatures' of micro-variability in V 1285 Aquilae, V 645 Centauri, V 1054 Ophiuchi and AU Microscopii
Investigation of next generation engine for reusable launch vehicle
Investigation of numerical accuracy of ZAMS models of one solar mass
Investigation of photoluminescent effect in opal glasses used as diffuse reflectance standards
Investigation of physical parameters in stellar flares observed by GINGA
Investigation of porosity and permeability effects from microstructure changes during limestone dissolution
Investigation of Primary Cosmic Radiation with Nuclear Photographic Emulsions (Presented by B. Peters)
Investigation of small-scale polygonal networks on Mars using models of terrestrial fracture and ice-wedge networks.
Investigation of Surface Oxidation during Laser Treatment of Low Carbon Sheet Steel
Investigation of the Carbon Produced by Methane Pulsed Discharge
Investigation of the correlation between morphology and luminosity for two classes of main galaxies
Investigation of the equation of state of astrophysical bodies by the LMTO method
Investigation of the Formation and Development of a Nighttime Intermediate Layer Using In-situ Measured Neutral Winds
Investigation of the High P-T Behavior of Binary Hydrogen-Helium Mixtures
Investigation of the Influence of Magnetic Anomalies on Ion Distributions at Mars