Hydrogen molecules and the radiative cooling of pregalactic shocks
Hydrogen non-LTE computations in M dwarf chromospheres
Hydrogen Peroxide for Propulsion and Power Applications: A Swift Perspective
Hydrogen recombination at high optical depth and the spectrum of SN 1987A
Hydrogen-deficient atmospheres for cool carbon stars
Hydrogen-Deficient Stars: An Introduction
Hydrogen-resistant heat pipes for bimodal reactors
Hydrogenic spectroscopy for various unusual plasmas.
Hydrogeochemistry of Big Soda Lake, Nevada: An alkaline meromictic desert lake
Hydrological modeling based on remote sensing information
Hydromagnetic disk winds in young stellar objects and active galactic nuclei
Hydromagnetic free convection effects on the oscillatory flow past an impulsively started porous limiting surface. I
Hydromagnetic turbulence amplification in the vicinity of shock waves and the maximum energies of accelerated particles in supernova remnants
Hydromagnetic waves in high Beta plasmas
Hydrostatic lubrication in turbopumps of rocket engines
Hydrothermal Circulation in Europa's Mantle
Hydrothermally-induced melt lens cooling and segmentation along the axis of fast- and intermediate-spreading centers
Hyper-g Priors for Generalised Additive Model Selection with Penalised Splines
Hyper-g Priors for Generalized Linear Models
Hyper-sparse optimal aggregation