Extended hierarchical temporal memory for visual object tracking
Extended inflationary cosmology
Extended multi-soliton solutions of the Einstein field equations
Extended relativity
Extended scaling factors for in situ cosmogenic nuclides: New measurements at low latitude
Extended Search for Energetic Sodium Ions in Saturn's Magnetosphere
Extended static stellar atmospheres. V - Photospheres of luminous M stars
Extended stellar hydrodynamics for galactic disks
Extended Sugawara construction for the superalgebras SU(M+1||N+1). I. Free-field representation and bosonization of super Kac-Moody currents
Extended Thomas-Fermi model at finite temperature
Extended-MHD modeling of diamagnetic-drift tearing instabilities
Extending MGS-TES Temperature Retrievals in the Martian Atmosphere up to 90 km: Retrieval Approach and Results
Extending optimization to active Mueller polarimeters
Extending the Applications of Binary Star Models
Extending the Capabilities of CIAO with S-Lang-based Tools
Extending the Galactic Cosmic Ray Electron + Positron Spectrum Measured by the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Extending the ICRF to Higher Radio Frequencies -- First Imaging Results
Extending the ICRF to Higher Radio Frequencies -- Imaging Results
Extending The Range of Application of Permutation Tests: the Expected Permutation p-value Approach
Extending the Scope of the Herschel Spectrum Tools with Interface-Oriented Design