Vertical extensions of galactic spiral arms
Vertical heat transport in eddying ocean models
Vertical Profiles Of Water Vapor In Mars' Atmosphere By Spicam/mex Solar Occultations
Vertical Structure Modeling of Saturnian Equatorial Region Using High Spectral Resolution Imaging
Very high energy photons from distant extragalactic sources observed by MAGIC: AGNs and GRBs
Very large scale structure in an open cosmology of cold dark matter and baryons
Very Long-Term Stability of Extrasolar Planets in Binary Star Systems
Very low frequency
Vesicular Eucrites: Where and How Did They Form and Why are They So Rare?
VH1 Hydrodynamics for Introductory Astronomy
VI and [Fe/H] of Fornax dSph RGB stars (Battaglia+, 2006)
Vibration separation methodology for planetary gear health monitoring
Vibrational and rotational excitation of CO in comets Nonequilibrium calculations
Vibrational instability of Wolf-Rayet stars
Vibrational stability of an evolved 5-solar-mass star towards higher-order g-modes
Vibrational stability of double-star Roche model
Vibrational stability of the rotating Roche model
Vibrational transition probabilities, r(bar)-centroids and Pe-curves for OH and PN
Vicarious calibration of the Ocean PHILLS hyperspectral sensor using a coastal tree-shadow method
Video observations of the Peekskill meteorite fireball: Atmospheric trajectory and orbit