Vector wavefront propagation modeling for the TPF coronagraph
Velocities and radii of five Magellanic Cloud Cepheids
Velocities of Morning Sector Patchy Auroral Forms
Velocity dependent coefficient of restitution and the evolution of collisional systems
Velocity dipoles in cold dark matter cosmologies
Velocity dispersion in particulate disks with size distribution
Velocity dispersions in galaxy clusters
Velocity Distribution of Interstellar H Atoms in the Heliospheric Interface
Velocity distributions among colliding asteroids
Velocity distributions in spherical elliptical galaxies. II - Measuring line-of-sight stellar velocity distributions
Velocity field in the Galactic plane
Velocity fields around rich clusters of galaxies
Velocity scaling method to correct individual Kepler energies
Venus Gravity: 180th Degree and Order Model
Venus mesosphere and thermosphere. III - Three-dimensional general circulation with coupled dynamics and composition
Verification by Viking landers of earlier radio occultation measurements of surface atmospheric pressure on Mars
Verification of maximum limit of density variation parameter lambda for a stable neutron star using Reissner-Nordstrom interior solution
Verification of the Accuracy of the Magnetopause Empirical Models Using the INTERBALL-1 Satellite Data
Verification Tests for Numerical 2-D Radiation-Hydrodynamics as Applied toa Core-Collapse Supernova Code
Vertical distribution and support of Galactic H I