Two-dimensional models of stellar wind bubbles. II - Variable mass-loss rates and the possibility of outer-shell fragmentation in relation to the origin of interstellar bullets.
Two-dimensional particle transport in HgMn and FmAm stars
Two-dimensional radiative convection in the Eddington approximation
Two-dimensional relativistic stellar wind
Two-dimensional self-similar accretion flows. I - Generalized alpha-viscosity models
Two-dimensional stochastic processes in astronomy
Two-dimensional viscous accretion disk models. I - On meridional circulations in radiative regions
Two-fluid modelling of particle acceleration in modified non-relativistic shocks
Two-fluid simulations of galaxy formation
Two-point correlation function in pancake models and the fair sample hypothesis
Two-point paraxial traveltimes in an inhomogeneous anisotropic medium
Two-process model for the atmospheric weathering, oxidation and ageing of diesel soot
Two-scale model of a geomagnetic field variation
TwoSpect: an all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from neutron stars in binary systems
TYCHO astrometry
Type IA supernovae - Constraints on baryonic dark matter
Type IA supernovae in late type galaxies - Reddening correction, scale height, and absolute maximum magnitude
Type Ib and IC Supernova Light Curve Templates and the determination SN IBC Rates
Type II radio emission in coronal transients
Types of elastic nonlinearity of sedimentary soils