The binary system L151 - 81A/B - A potential test of accretion theory
The binding energy of a Schwarzschild sphere in D space-time dimensions
The birth of neutron stars
The bolometric light curve of SN1993J and the nature of its progenitor
The Boltzmann equation in general relativistic rotating systems - Cooling of rotating neutron stars
The Boltzmann Moment Equation Approach for the Dynamics of Galactic Stellar Disks
The Boron Isotope Ratio in Interstellar Space
The bound-free absorption by the C I, N I, and O I in the late type stars' atmospheres
The boundary conditions for relativistic polytropic fluid spheres
The Branching Universe
The breakup of quasiperiodic orbits near Jovian resonances
The brightest stars in galaxies - A theoretical simulation
The brightness of a black hole due to gravitational lensing
The Bruce Medalists at 100
The bulk composition of the eucrite parent asteroid and its bearing on planetary evolution
The Bulk Density of Meteoroids from Electro-Optical Measurements
The C/CO ratio in dense interstellar clouds
The calcium abundance in NGC 1851
The calculation of continuum polarization due to the Rayleigh scattering phase matrix in multi-scattering axisymmetric envelopes
The calculation of line transfer in expanding media