A Comparison of Satellite Conjunction Analysis Screening Tools
A comparison of spectral element and finite difference methods for MHD
A comparison of the C III, O V, F VI, and NE VII Delta N = 0 (2-2) line emissions from a laboratory plasma with theoretical predictions and astrophysical observations
A comparison of the Fourier, Jurkevich, and Stellingwerf methods of period estimation
A comparison of the height distributions of solar flare hard X-rays in thick target and thermal models
A Comparison of the Hermite Individual Timestep and the Mixed Variable Symplectic Mapping Integration Schemes for Gravitational N--Body Simulations
A comparison of the power spectra of Z and atoll sources, pulsars and black hole candidates
A Comparison of Two Limb Scatter Inversion Methods
A comparison of variational and discrete ordinate methods for solving radiative transfer problems
A comparison of vertical cosmic-ray cutoff rigidities as calculated with different geomagnetic field models
A Comparison of Vertical Staggering for Coupling Large Scale Dynamics to the Planetary Boundary Layer.
A complex linear least-squares method to derive relative and absolute orientations of seismic sensors
A complex-plane strategy for computing rotating polytropic models - Numerical results for strong and rapid differential rotation
A Component-wise EM Algorithm for Mixtures
A composite stellar model of geostrophic flows. II
A comprehensive numerical model examining the thermal performance of airships
a Comprehensive Study of the Characteristics of Meteor Echoes - I
A computation method to warn the collision event between space probe and debris
A computation of the equation of state for a Fermi gas
A computational code for two-dimensional unsteady magnetohydrodynamics by the method of characteristics