Venturestar™ single stage to orbit reusable launch vehicle program overview
VentureStar™-A revolutionary space transportation launch system
Venus gravity fields
VENUS: The next generation ECR ion source
VerifEYE: a real-time meat inspection system for the beef processing industry
Versatile current skimming ROIC and its application in a TEC DCA
Versatile LLRF platform for FLASH laser
Vertex Nomination via Content and Context
Vertical dependence of black carbon, sulphate and biomass burning aerosol radiative forcing
Vertical distribution, multiple scattering, and optical depths of clouds from LITE observations
Vertical Instabilities and Off-Plane Orbits in Circumbinary and Protoplanetary Disks
Vertical Launch Performance of Laser-driven In-Tube Accelerator
Vertically integrated electronic x-ray imager
Very high efficacy electrodeless high intensity discharge lamps
Very high thrust-to-weight rocket engines
Very Large Propulsive Effects Predicted for a 512 kV Rotator
Very Large Radio Surveys of the Sky
Very Long Baseline Interferometry for Planetary Science Studies
Very long baseline interferometry. I - an introduction
Very long wavelength (>15 μm) HgCdTe photodiodes by liquid phase epitaxy