Nonparametric Bayesian sparse factor models with application to gene expression modeling
Nonparametric filter for voice signals
Nonparametric inference of doubly stochastic Poisson process data via the kernel method
Nonparametric inference procedure for percentiles of the random effects distribution in meta-analysis
Nonparametric Methodology for the Time-Dependent Partial Area under the ROC Curve
Nonparametric Partial Importance Sampling for Financial Derivative Pricing
Nonparametric spectral analysis with applications to seizure characterization using EEG time series
Nonparametric tests of structure for high angular resolution diffusion imaging in Q-space
Nonresonant mechanism of ion heating by MHD waves
Nonstationary covariance models for global data
Nonstationary Petschek reconnection in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics.
Nonsteady boundary layer flow including ionospheric drag and parallel electric fields
Nontraditional grazing incidence optics for x-ray astronomy
Nonuniform image motion estimation in transformed-domain
Nonuniformity correction using a flood technique and 1:1 mapping
Normalized difference vegetation index calculations from JPEG2000-compressed Landsat 7 images
Nouvelles possibilités de spectrographie à haute résolution au sol et articulation avec les possibilités offertes par le Télescope Spatial
Nova pulse power design and operational experience
Novel adaptive optics (technique) without a guide star
Novel Amine-Functional Membrane for Metabolic CO2 Removal from Spacesuit Breathing Loop