Large stroke actuators for adaptive optics
Large Tether-Connected Two-Dimensional Structures in Low Earth Orbit
Large, lightweight, low-scatter, composite active/adaptive mirror development
Large-area blocked-impurity-band focal plane array development
Large-area edge-buttable CCDs for mosaic focal plane applications
Large-area scanning x-ray source to maximize contrast sensitivity by minimizing scatter detection
Large-basis shell-model technology in nucleosynthesis and cosmology
Large-format 0.85- and 2.5-μm HgCdTe detector arrays for low-background applications
Large-format broadband multicolor GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP) focal plane arrays
Large-format photon-counting x-ray and gamma-ray imagers
Large-format SWIR/MWIR HgCdTe infrared focal plane arrays for astronomy
Large-Scale Dynamo of Accretion Disks Around Supermassive Nonrotating Black Holes
Large-Scale Experiments to Determining Scaling Laws for Coefficient of Restitution Between Rocky Bodies
Large-Scale Ionospheric Conductance from Combined Satellite and Ground-Based Electromagnetic Data
Large-scale stimulated rotational Raman scattering experiments using the LLNL Nova laser
Large-scale structure of the solar corona and inner heliosphere
Large-Scale Testing and High-Fidelity Simulation Capabilities at Sandia National Laboratories to Support Space Power and Propulsion
Large-volume slow-neutron interrogation facility
Laser action from (B2E-X2E)HgBr induced by UV laser multiphoton dissociation of HgBr2: measurements and experimental results
Laser Application in the Control of Satellite Orbit