Fiber-based interferometry and imaging
Fiber-optic communication links suitable for on-board use in modern aircraft
Fibre Bragg gratings for temporal spectral astronomy
Fibrous materials for selective line emission application in a thermal-electrical energy conversion system
Field emission cathodes for electrodynamic tethers: Identifying compatible cathode materials
Field experiments yield new insights into gas exchange and excess air formation in natural porous media
Field portable HgCdTe MWIR staring array imaging system
Field testing and evaluation of a solar-blind UV communication link for unattended ground sensors
Field-Force Acceleration Using Type II Superconductor
Field-Free Alignment and Strong Field Control of Molecular Rotors
Field-putting technique of wide-field hyperspectral imager
Field-theoretical description of quantum fluctuations in the multidimensional tunneling approach
Fifty year canon of lunar eclipses: 1986-2035
Fifty year canon of solar eclipses: 1986-2035
Figaro:. Measuring Neutron Emission Spectra with a White Neutron Source
Filamentation instability of large-amplitude Alfven waves
Final Results for the GRC Supporting Technology Development Project for the 110-Watt Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG110)
Financing commercial RLVs: Considering government incentives
Finding periodic orbits of higher-dimensional flows by including tangential components of trajectory motion
Finding the Fortunate Islands and Other Astrolabe Tricks of Early Astronomical Navigation