Fast estimation of posterior probabilities in change-point models through a constrained hidden Markov model
Fast estimation of pulse height spectra and extraction of transport parameters for semiconductor detectors
Fast intelligent image sensor with application to image restoration
Fast joint detection-estimation of evoked brain activity in event-related fMRI using a variational approach
Fast numerical method for growth and retreat of subsurface ice on Mars
Fast one-pass algorithm to label objects and compute their features
Fast phase diversity wavefront sensing for mirror control
Fast Reconnection in a Two-Stage Process
Fast space travel by vacuum zero-point field perturbations
FASTTRAC II near-IR adaptive optics system for the Multiple Mirror Telescope: description and preliminary results
Fat-Tailed Distributions and Levy Processes
Fault prediction in aircraft engines using Self-Organizing Maps
Fe II emission from H II regions and active galactic nuclei
Feasibility investigation on potential working fluids for electrohydrodynamically-assisted CPLs
Feasibility of DINSAR for mapping complex motion fields of alpine ice- and rock-glaciers
Feasibility of Thulium-170, Produced on Site, for Radioisotope Power Generation
Feasibility study for distributed dose monitoring in ionizing radiation environments with standard and custom-made optical fibers
Feasibility study for porting the data acquisition system of the TOTEM experiment to alternative platforms
Feasibility Study of a Nuclear-Stirling Power Plant for the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter
Feasibility tests and design of AMANDA (Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array)