Dynamical friction and galaxy rotation - Should mergers lead to slow rotation?
Dynamical generation of baryons at the electroweak transition
Dynamical Instability for Radiating Anisotropic Collapse
Dynamical passage to approximate equilibrium shapes for spinning, gravitating rubble asteroids
Dynamically and statistically downscaled seasonal simulations of maximum surface air temperature over the southeastern United States
Dynamics and Control of Microwave-propelled Sails Using Delayed Measurements
Dynamics and Non-Thermal Emission of Shell Supernova Remnants
Dynamics of a test rigid body from a minimal action principle
Dynamics of an electromagnetically flown formation of spacecraft within the Earth's magnetic field
Dynamics of bubble growth on a heated surface under low gravity conditions
Dynamics of Charged Interstellar Dust
Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies (Blackboard Lecture)
Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies, contd
Dynamics of Flux-Rope CMEs: SECCHI Observation and Theory
Dynamics of small bodies in the solar system
Dynamics of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections: Theory and New SECCHI Observation
Dynamics of the electroweak phase transition
Dynamics of the Magnetic Network on the Sun
Dynamics of tidal synchronization and orbit circularization of celestial bodies
Dynamics simulation of pyro actuated "Ball Lock" separation system for micro-satellites to evaluate release shock