All electromagnetic form factors
Alternative Careers for Physicists
An accurate formula for the period of a simple pendulum oscillating beyond the small-angle regime
An Approximate Expression for the Large Angle Period of a Simple Pendulum
An easy way to Gravimagnetism
An Electric Circuit Lab for General Physics Classes
An elementary quantum mechanics calculation for the Casimir effect in one dimension
An elliptic property of parabolic trajectories
An empirical approach to interpreting card-sorting data
An experience model for anyspeed motion
An Experiment of Research-Oriented Teaching/Learning
An extensive Study of Teaching / Learning Quantum Mechanics in College
An illustrative experiment on electromagnetic oscillations
An In-Class Discussion Activity on the Nature of Science and Intelligent Design
An inferential analysis of the effect of activity based physics instruction on the persistent misconceptions of lecture students
An inquiry into the reproduction of physics-phobic children by physics-phobic teachers
An Inquiry-oriented Mechanical Waves Unit for High School Students*
An Introduction to Logical Operations on Classical and Quantum Bits
An introductory physics exercise using real extrasolar planet data
Analysis of Newton's Third Law Questions on the Force Concepts Inventory at Georgia State University