The Hundredth Anniversary of Einstein's Annus Mirabilis
The Image of a Wormhole
The impact of epistemology on learning: A case study from introductory physics
The latent potential of YouTube - Will it become the 21st Century lecturer's film archive?
The Lorentz Group, a Galilean Approach
The Marginalized Identities of Sense-makers: Reframing Engineering Student Retention
The movement of shadows: a teaching proposal for the secondary school
The Multimedia Project Quarked!
The mystery of lost energy in ideal capacitors
The mystery of the missing neutrinos (from the sun).
The NASA Center for Astronomy Education (CAE): Building a Community of Practice
The NASA/JPL Navigator Program Center for Astronomy Education (CAE): Building a Community of Practice
The Need and Effectiveness of Professional Development for K-12 Teachers
The New Faculty Workshop: Jump-Start Your Teaching
The New Physics and Astronomy Education Portal of the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System
The No Child Left Behind Act: Clarifying the Potential Role of Scientists
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1999
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2002 for the observation of cosmic neutrinos
The Object Coordination Class Applied to Wavepulses: Analysing Student Reasoning in Wave Physics
The Orion constellation as an installation - An innovative three dimensional teaching and learning environment