Ex-nihilo II: Examination Syllabi and the Sequencing of Cosmology Education
Exact calculation of the number of degrees of freedom of a rigid body constituted by n particles
Examining student ability to interpret and use potential energy diagrams for classical systems
Examining Student Understanding of Quantum Wavefunctions
Examining the Impact of Student Expectations on Undergraduate Biology Education Reform
Excitons with anisotropic effective mass
EXPERIMENT: How to find galaxies in your coffee cup
Experimental determination of heat capacities and their correlation with quantum predictions
Experimentos simples demostrando algunas propiedades de lentes difractivas y redes espirales
Experiments on Radioactivity in a Virtual Laboratory
Explore Mars from the NASA website
Exploring closed-loop feedback control using experiments in optics
Exploring Student Understanding of Energy through the Quantum Mechanics Conceptual Survey
Exploring the Solar System with a Human Orrery
Exponential versus linear amplitude decay in damped oscillators
Expounding on physics -- A phenomenographic study of physicists talking of their physics
Expressing Maxwell's equations independently of the unit system
Expressing the electromagnetic interaction energy
Expressing the power radiated by electric charged systems