Investigation of high p$_{t}$ events in Nucleus-Nucleus collisions using the Hijing event generator
Investigation of high-energy particles of primary cosmic rays with the SOKOL satellite-borne instrumentation
Investigation of inelastic 40Ca(p,p')X reaction at 1 GeV
Investigation of iron-rich events in the AYaKS experiment /September 22, 1977 to January 26, 1978/
Investigation of level spacing distribution of nuclear energy levels by maximum likelihood estimation method
Investigation of Light Nucleus Clustering in Relativistic Multifragmentation Processes
Investigation of low spin states in 48-Cr with the MINIBALL spectrometer
Investigation of Low-Density Symmetry Energy via Nucleon and Fragment Observables
Investigation of N-N* Electromagnetic Form Factors within a Front-Form CQM
Investigation of Neutron Characteristics for Salt Blanket Models; Integral Fission Cross Section Measurements of Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium and Curium Isotopes
Investigation of Neutron--Deuteron Charge-Exchange Reaction at Small Transfer Momentum
Investigation of octupole vibrational states in 150Nd via inelastic proton scattering (p,p'g)
Investigation of processes of the interaction of cosmic-ray muons at an underground depth of 150 mwe
Investigation of proton-nuclear reactions on isotopes $^{129}$I, $^{237}$Np and $^{241}$Am at $E_p$ = 660 MeV
Investigation of Proton-Proton Short-Range Correlations via the 12C(e,e'pp) Reaction
Investigation of Pygmy Dipole Resonances in the Tin Region
Investigation of structure in Al23 via resonant proton scattering of Mg22+p and the 22Mg(p,γ) Al23 astrophysical reaction rate
Investigation of subthreshold resonances with the Trojan horse method
Investigation of the (232)Th Nucleus Excitations at the FEL {gamma} - Nucleus Colliders
Investigation of the (d5/2)2 and (d5/2s1/2) two-particle configurations in 18O using the 17O(d,p)18O reaction at 18 MeV