E(5) and X(5) critical point symmetries obtained from Davidson potentials through a variational procedure
E(5) and X(5) shape phase transitions within a Skyrme Hartree-Fock + BCS approach
E(5), X(5), and Prolate to Oblate Shape Phase Transitions in Relativistic Hartree Bogoliubov Theory
e+ e- pairs from pi- A reactions
e+A physics at a future Electron-Ion Collider
e+e- pair production from nucleon targets in the resonance region
e+e- pair production from nucleon targets in the resonance region
e+e- pair production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at intermediate impact parameters
e+e- pairs from 238U + 206Pb collisions
e+e- Pairs: a clock and a thermometer of heavy ion collisions
e+e- yields in Pb+Au collisions at 158 AGeV/c: Assessment of baryonic contributions
E0 emission in alpha + ^12C fusion at astrophysical energies
E1 and E2 capture cross section and astrophysical reaction rate of the key reaction 12C(α,γ)16O
E1 polarizability of 7Li and astrophysical S factor for 4He(t,γ)7Li
E1 transitions between spin-dipole and Gamow-Teller giant resonances
E2 and M1 strengths in heavy deformed nuclei
E2 component in subcoulomb breakup of ^{8}B
E2 properties of nuclei far from stability and the proton-halo problem of 8B
E2/M1 ratio from the Mainz $p(\vec γ, p)π^0$ data
E2/M1 ratio from the Mainz $p(\vecγ, p)π^0$