Calculation of Higher Order Effects in Electron-Positron Pair Production in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Calculation of muon range spectrum under sea-water from the latest JACEE primary spectrum using the modified energy loss formulation after Kobayakawa
Calculation of Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering Cross-Sections relevant for Supernova Processes
Calculation of nuclear masses using image reconstruction techniques
Calculation of nuclear matrix elements in neutrinoless double electron capture
Calculation of Screening Masses in a Chiral Quark Model
Calculation of stellar electron-capture cross sections on nuclei based on microscopic Skyrme functionals
Calculation of strongly-coupled rotational bands in terms of the tilted axis cranking model
Calculation of the $^3$He(in-flight $K^-$,$n$) reaction for searching the deeply-bound $K^-pp$ state
Calculation of the Alpha--Particle Ground State within the Hyperspherical Harmonic Basis
Calculation of the interaction of a neutron spin with an atomic electric field
Calculation of the Momentum Dependence of Hadronic Current Correlation Functions at Finite Temperature
Calculation of the number of partitions with constraints on the fragment size
Calculation of the probability of a pycnonuclear reaction in magnetized hydrogen
Calculation of the properties of the rotational bands of $^{155,157}$Gd
Calculation of the S- and D-state components of the deuteron-triton overlap integral
Calculation of the spectrum of 12Li by using the multistep shell model method in the complex energy plane
Calculation of the total gamma-spectra of the fast neutrons capture in the isotopes 117,119Sn for the different parameters of cascade gamma-decay
Calculation of the ultracold neutron upscattering loss probability in fluid walled storage bottles using experimental measurements of the thermomechanical properties of Fomblin
Calculation of the ultracold neutron upscattering rate from para-deuterium bound in a lattice