IBM-1 calculations towards the neutron-rich nucleus $^{106}$Zr
IBM-1 description of the fission products $^{108,110,112}$Ru
IBM-2 configuration mixing and its geometric interpretation for germanium isotopes
IBM: parameter symmetry, hidden symmetries and transformations of boson operators
ICARUS. A status report.
IceCube contributions to the XIV International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2006)
ICP-SFMS search for long-lived naturally-occurring heavy, superheavy and superactinide nuclei compared to AMS experiments
Ideal hydrodynamics and elliptic flow at SPS energies: Importance of the initial conditions
Ideal Hydrodynamics for Bulk and Multistrange Hadrons in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=200\,AGeV Au-Au Collisions
Identical Bands in Superdeformed Nuclei: A Relativistic Description
Identical Meson Interferometry in STAR Experiment
Identical Particle Correlations in STAR
Identical Particle Interferometry at STAR
Identical transitions in the strongly deformed Sr-99 and Sr-100
Identification and Rejection of Fake Reconstructed Jets From a Fluctuating Heavy Ion Background in ATLAS
Identification of 45 New Neutron-Rich Isotopes Produced by In-Flight Fission of a 238U Beam at 345 MeV/nucleon
Identification of analog states in the T=1/2 A=27 mirror system from low excitation energies to the region of hydrogen burning in the 26Alg,m(p,γ)27Si reactions
Identification of baryon resonances in central heavy-ion collisions at energies between 1 and 2 AGeV
Identification of exotic jet topologies via three particle correlations in PHENIX
Identification of flow-background to subtract in jet-like azimuthal correlation