Crossover to Cluster Plasma in the Gas of Quark-Gluon Bags
Crossover transition in bag-like models
Cryogenic detectors for neutrinos and rare event physics.
Cryogenic Double Beta Decay Experiments: CUORE and CUORICINO
Cryogenic Low Energy Astrophysics with Neon
Crystalline color superconductivity
Crystalline structure of the mixed confined-deconfined phase in neutron stars
CTOF measurements and Monte Carlo analyses of neutron spectra for the backward direction from a lead target irradiated with 200 to 1000 MeV proton
Cu and Zn in different stellar populations: Inferring their astrophysical origin
Cubic boron nitride: a new prospective material for ultracold neutron application
Cubic neutrons
Cumulant versus jet-like three-particle correlations
Cumulative Processes
Cumulative structure function in terms of nucleonic wave function of the nucleus
CUORE crystal validation runs: results on radioactive contamination and extrapolation to CUORE background
CUORICINO - Large Cryogenic Detector for Double Beta Decay, WIMPS and Solar Axions
Current algebra and soft pionic modes in asymmetric quark matter
Current Conservation in the Covariant Quark-Diquark Model of the Nucleon
Current conservation, screening and the magnetic moment of the $Δ$ resonance. -- 1. Formulation without quark degrees of freedom
Current conservation, screening and the magnetic moment of the $Δ$ resonance: 2. Formulation with quark degrees of freedom 3. Magnetic moment of the $Δ^o$ and $Δ^-$ resonances