Two-dimensional finite element simulation of fracture and fatigue behaviours of alumina microstructures for hip prosthesis
Ultra-Fast Timing and the Application of High Energy Physics Technologies to Biomedical Imaging
Ultra-fast treatment plan optimization for volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT)
Ultraviolet Diamond Photodetector
Uniformisation of Lead Tungstate Crystals for the Cms Electromagnetic Calorimeter Endcaps
Uniformity of Response of the Atlas Electromagnetic Calorimeter Series Modules
Update on the Hadron Calorimeter of the Cms Experiment at CERN
Use of a biomechanical tongue model to predict the impact of tongue surgery on speech production
Use of space for development of commercial plant natural products
Using foot pressure to maintain neuromuscular function during long-duration spaceflight
Using probability and rules of interaction to simulate the spin relaxation in a MRI
Using Single Photoelectron Spectra in the Calibration of the Cms-Hf Calorimeter
Utilisation de la substitution sensorielle par électro-stimulation linguale pour la prévention des escarres chez les paraplégiques. Etude préliminaire
Validation and Performance of the Cms Barrel Muon Drift Chambers with Cosmic Rays
Validation of a New Method for Stroke Volume Variation Assessment: a Comparaison with the PiCCO Technique
Validation of the Hadronic Calibration of the Atlas Calorimeter with Testbeam Data Corresponding to the Pseudorapidity Range 2.5 < |η| < 4.0
Vega library for processing DICOM data required in Monte Carlo verification of radiotherapy treatment plans
Verifax: Biometric instruments measuring neuromuscular disorders/performance impairments
Very-Low Thermal Conductivity of Polymeric Supports for Massive Cryogenic Detectors
Visual Saliency and Attention as Random Walks on Complex Networks