Statistical Study of Radiation Hardness of Cms Silicon Sensors
Status and Performance of the Alice/phos Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Status and Perspectives of Cherenkov Imaging Counters
Status of the Borexino Experiment and its Physics Implications
Status of the Cylindrical-Gem Project for the KLOE-2 Inner Tracker
Status of the Katrin Experiment
Status of the Virgo Experiment
Status Report of Ardm Project:. a New Direct Detection Experiment, Based on Liquid Argon, for the Search of Dark Matter
Steady-state visual evoked potentials and phase synchronization in migraine
Step (satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle)
Stratification of the phase clouds and statistical effects of the non-Markovity in chaotic time series of human gait for healthy people and Parkinson patients
Strength stimuli on the quadriceps femoris influences the physiological tremor of the index finger
Strip Ionization Chamber as Beam Monitor in the Proton Therapy Eye Treatment
Strong Memory in Time Series of Human Magnetoencephalograms Can Identify Photosensitive Epilepsy
Structural Optimisation: Biomechanics of the Femur
Studies for a Fast Rich
Studies of gas-particle interactions in a microgravity flow cell
Studies of Lead Tungstate Crystals Exposed to Large Proton and Pion Fluences
Study and Development of the Multi-Pixel Photon Counter for the GLD Calorimeter Readout
Study of Biological Samples with Detector MEDIPIX2