Performance of the LHCb Silicon Tracker with first data
Performance of the readout electronics chain of the MICE Electron Muon Ranger
Performance of the Resistive Plate Chambers as LVL1 ATLAS muon trigger detectors
Performance of the Silicon Transition Radiation Detector (sitrd):. Beam Test and Simulation Results
Performance of three-photon PET imaging: Monte Carlo simulations
Performance the Glast-Lat Beam Test Results
Performances in High Magnetic Fields of Fine-Mesh Photomultipliers for Fast Time-Of Detectors
Performances of the AMS-02 Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Performances of the Atlas Electromagnetic Calorimeter Modules
Performances of the Atlas LEVEL-1 Muon Trigger Processor in the Barrel
Perspectives in Medical Applications of Monte Carlo Simulation Software for Clinical Practice in Radiotherapy Treatments
Perspectives with the MEDIPIX2-BASED Detectors Network in Atlas
PET monitoring of cancer therapy with He-3 and C-12 beams: a study with the GEANT4 toolkit
Phase shifts of synchronized oscillators and the systolic/diastolic blood pressure relation
Photographic Emulsions in the OPERA Long Baseline Experiment Status and First Results
Photoluminescence and γ-RAY Irradiation of SrO-B2O3-P2O5:Eu2+ and SrMoO4:Eu3+ Phosphors
Physical basis of SATRO - a new method for analysis of the cardiac muscle depolarisation
Physical modelling of the airflow-walls interactions to understand the sleep apnea syndrome
Physical understanding of an echo-Doppler test with voice-induced vibration
Pi of the Sky:. modelling of the detector response for more effective search for optical GRB counterparts