Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring Techniques: A review and current trends
Non-linear and scale-invariant analysis of the Heart Rate Variability
Non-Linear Dynamics In Patients With Stable Angina Pectoris
Non-linear quantization for arbitrary distributions and applications to Medical Image Processing
Nonlinear Dynamics of Infectious Diseases Transfer with Possible Applications for Tubercular Infection
North American Medical Physics Applications of the GEANT4 Simulation Toolkit
Novel Techniques for Atmospheric Monitoring for EAS Detectors Using High Resolution Spectroscopy
Nuclear Data Requirements for the Production Of Medical Isotopes in Fission Reactors and Particle Accelerators
Nuclear Emulsion Film Detectors for Proton Radiography: Design and Test of the First Prototype
Nuclear Emulsion Scanning in Opera:. Methods and Results
Nuclear fragmentation reactions in extended media studied with Geant4 toolkit
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with the Distant Dipolar Field
Numerical benchmarking of a Coarse-Mesh Transport (COMET) Method for medical physics applications