The color charge degree of freedom in particle physics
The conservation laws in the field theoretical representation of Dirac's theory
The contribution by Domenico Pacini to the Cosmic Ray Physics
The Coriolis Effect Apparently Described in Giovanni Battista Riccioli's Arguments Against the Motion of the Earth: An English Rendition of Almagestum Novum Part II, Book 9, Section 4, Chapter 21, Pages 425, 426-7
The cosmology of the Divine Comedy
The Curious Case of Lemaitre's Equation No. 24
The Cyclic Universe: Some Historical Notes
The dangerous misconceptions of Sir Karl Raimund Popper
The Depth and Breadth of John Bell's Physics
The development of Iranian calendar: historical and astronomical foundations
The Differential Geometry and Physical Basis for the Applications of Feynman Diagrams
The disaster of the Nazi-power in science as reflected by some leading journals and scientists in physics - A bibliometric study
The Discovery of Cherenkov Radiation and its use in the detection of extensive air showers
The Discovery of European Porcelain Technology
The discovery of superfluidity
The Early History of String Theory and Supersymmetry
The Einstein formula: E_0=mc^2 "Isn't the Lord laughing?"
The Einstein-Jordan conundrum and its relation to ongoing foundational research in local quantum physics
The Einstein-Varicak Correspondence on Relativistic Rigid Rotation
The equations of medieval cosmology