Galileo's Discovery of Scaling Laws
Galileo's Double Star: The Experiment That "Proved" the Earth Did Not Move
Gauge Symmetry Breaking in Gauge Theories---In Search of Clarification
General relativity, differential geometry, and unitary theories in the work of Mira Fernandes
Genesis of general relativity - Discovery of general relativity
Geometric Algebra: A natural representation of three-space
Geometry and perspective in the landscape of the Saqqara pyramids
Geometry as an object of experience: Kant and the missed debate between Poincaré and Einstein
Georg de Buquoy - Founder of Mathematical Economy with South Bohemian Roots
Georg(e) Placzek: a bibliometric study of his scientific production and its impact
George Augustus Linhart - as a "widely unknown" thermodynamicist
Gerbert of Aurillac: astronomy and geometry in tenth century Europe
Giovanni Battista Riccioli's Seventy-Seven Arguments Against the Motion of the Earth: An English Rendition of Almagestum Novum Part II, Book 9, Section 4, Chapter 34, Pages 472-7
Giulio Racah and Theoretical Physics in Jerusalem
Goedel and Physics
Greek and Indian Cosmology: Review of Early History
Gregor Wentzel
Groping Toward Linear Regression Analysis: Newton's Analysis of Hipparchus' Equinox Observations