Il "protone neutro". Ovvero della laboriosa esclusione degli elettroni dal nucleo
Il corso di Fisica teorica di Ettore Majorana: il ritrovamento del Documento Moreno
In memoriam two distinguished participants of the Bregenz Symmetries in Science Symposia: Marcos Moshinsky and Yurii Fedorovich Smirnov
In memoriam Yurii Fedorovich Smirnov: Some personal reminiscences on a great physicist
In search of continuity: thoughts of an epistemic empiricist
Incontri celesti, vita del padre Clavio in cinque atti
Independence of events and quantum structure of the light in Einstein's special relativity
Indeterminism and Randomness Through Physics
Indian Contributions to High Energy Physics in the 20th Century
Indian Cosmological Ideas
Indian Physics: Outline of Early History
Indigenous Astronomies and Progress in Modern Astronomy
Innovators and Interpreters: The Historic Role of Women in Science
Introduction to Bronstein's "Quantum theory of weak gravitational fields"
Introduction to the Workshop "30 years of bubble chamber physics"
Invariant Variation Problems
Irving Kaplansky and Supersymmetry
Is Feasibility in Physics Limited by Fantasy Alone?
Is Science going through a critical stage?
Is symmetry identity?