Dante, astrology and astronomy
Dashen-Frautschi Fiasco and Historical Roadmap for Strings
David Hilbert and the origin of the "Schwarzschild solution"
Decoherence and Ontology, or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love FAPP
Deconstructing the Quantum Debate: Toward a Non-Classical Epistemology
Démocrite et la puissance motrice du feu (Democrite and the motive power of fire)
Democritus as Taoist
Determinism and Indeterminism
Developing BCS ideas in the former Soviet Union
Dick Dalitz: Examples of His Contributions to Particle Physics
Did Edwin Hubble plagiarize?
Did Mileva Marić assist Einstein in writing his 1905 path breaking papers?
Did the concepts of space and time change that much with the 1905 theory of relativity?
Digging down the past
Dirac's wave mechanical theory of the electron and its field theoretical interpretation
Discovery of the Color Degree of Freedom in Particle Physics: a Personal Perspective
Discovery of the Expansion of the Universe
Do the Laws of Nature and Physics Agree About What is Allowed and Forbidden?
Do We Need a Scientific Revolution?
Dogmatism and Theoretical Pluralism in Modern Cosmology