Failed theories of superconductivity
Famed Bulgarian physicists. I. St. Petroff's Goettingen research of the photostimulated interconversions of color centers in alkali halides: the discovery of the photostimulated aggregation
Felix de Roy: a life of variable stars
Fermi and Szilard
Fermi and the Elucidation of Matter
Fermi at Los Alamos and the early Britain's way to nuclear energy
Fermi, Majorana and the statistical model of atoms
Fermi, Pasta, Ulam and a mysterious lady
Fiber Bundle Gauge Theories and "Field's Dilemma"
Field equations in teleparallel spacetime: Einstein's Fernparallelismus approach towards unified field theory
Fifty years of the Glauber diffraction theory
Fifty Years of Yang-Mills Theory and my Contribution to it
First Description of Discrete Stars Composing the Milk Way in Thomas Watson's Hekatompathia (1582)
First echoes of relativity in Argentine astronomy
First in the Web, but Where are the Pieces?
Fission and Fusion Come to San Diego
Following Weyl on Quantum Mechanics: the contribution of Ettore Majorana
Force on an Asymmetric Capacitor
Four variations on Theoretical Physics by Ettore Majorana