Weak Electric Dipole Moments of Heavy Fermions in the MSSM
Weak electricity of the Nucleon in the Chiral Quark-Soliton Model
Weak Field Black Hole Formation in Asymptotically AdS Spacetimes
Weak Field Expansion of Gravity and Graphical Representation
Weak Field Expansion of Gravity: Graphs, Matrices and Topology
Weak form factors for heavy meson decays
Weak form factors for heavy meson decays: an update
Weak form factors for semileptonic octet baryon decays in the chiral quark model
Weak gauge principle and electric charge quantization
Weak gauge-invariance of dimension two condensate in Yang-Mills theory
Weak gravity conjecture constraints on inflation
Weak Gravity Conjecture for Noncommutative Field Theory
Weak Gravity Conjecture for the Effective Field Theories with N Species
Weak gravity conjecture in the asymptotical dS and AdS background
Weak Gravity Conjecture with Large Extra Dimensions
Weak Gravity Conjecture, Central Charges and $η/s$
Weak Hadronic decays of Charmed Baryons and Current-Algebra Scheme
Weak Hamiltonian, CP Violation and Rare Decays
Weak hyperon decays in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory: Renormalization and applications
Weak Hyperon Decays: Quark Sea and SU(3) Symmetry Breaking