l --> l' gamma in the Lepton Number Violating MSSM
l W nu production at CLIC: a window to TeV scale non-decoupled neutrinos
L-Particle and Kaluza-Klein World
L-R asymmetries and signals for new bosons
L-Violating Supersymmetry - Implementation in PYTHIA and study of LHC discovery potential
L/E-Flatness of the Electron-Like Event Ratio in Super-Kamiokande and a Degeneracy in Neutrino Masses
l=0 to l=1 Transition Form Factors
La renormalisation dans la theorie non commutative des champs
LAB observables for the muon polarization in K^+ --> π^+ μ^+ μ^-
Labeling Schemes for Tetrahedron Equations and Dualities between Them
Laboratory Bounds on Electron Lorentz Violation
Laboratory bounds on Lorentz symmetry violation in low energy neutrino physics
Laboratory Constraints on a 33.9 MeV/c^2 Isosinglet Neutrino: Status and Perspectives
Laboratory frame analysis of $e^+ e^- \to μ^+ μ^-$ scattering in the Noncommutative Standard Model
Laboratory Limits on Theories with Sterile Neutrinos in the Bulk
Laboratory soft x-ray emission due to the Hawking-Unruh effect?
Laboratory tests for the cosmic neutrino background using beta-decaying nuclei
Laboratory Tests of Chameleon Models
Laboratory Tests of the Galileon