1) Spin and flavor sum rules based on a parton model, 2) SU(2) flavor breaking in antiquark distributions
1) The Influence of Gribov Copies on Gluon and Ghost Propagators in Landau Gauge and 2) A New Implementation of the Fourier Acceleration Method
1+1 Dimensional Compactifications of String Theory
1+1 Dimensional Critical String Theory and Holography
1+1 Dimensional Hydrodynamics for High-energy Heavy-ion Collisions
1+1 Dimensional NCOS and its U(N) Gauge Theory Dual
1+1 dimensional QCD with fundamental bosons and fermions
1+1 Dimensional Yang-Mills Theories in Light-Cone Gauge
1+1 string with quarks at the ends revisited
1+1+1 flavor QCD+QED simulation at the physical point
1- Brane Sources for the Lightcone Worldsheet: Q-branion - {\bar Q}-branion Scattering to One Loop
1-- and 0++ heavy four-quark and molecule states in QCD
1-3 leptonic mixing and the neutrino oscillograms of the Earth
1-Loop Analysis of the Photon Self-Energy due to 3D-Gravity
1-loop corrections to the SU(3) symmetric chiral soliton
1-loop Corrections to the ρParameter in the Left-Right Twin Higgs Model
1-Loop improved lattice action for the nonlinear sigma-model
1-loop matching and NNLL resummation for all partonic 2 to 2 processes in QCD
1/16-BPS Black Holes and Giant Gravitons in the AdS_5 X S^5 Space
1/2 BPS Correlator and Free Fermion