Julian Schwinger and the Casimir Effect: The Reality of Zero-Point Energy
Julian Schwinger: Source Theory and the UCLA Years--- From Magnetic Charge to the Casimir Effect
Jumping into CMB polarization measurements-a new group at KEK-
Jumping Through Loops: On Soft Terms from Large Volume Compactifications
Jumpstarting the all-loop S-matrix of planar N=4 super Yang-Mills
Junction equations for two spherically symmetric spacetimes and the distributional method
Junctions and the Fate of Branes in External Fields
Junctions of Supersymmetric Tubes
Just enough inflation
Just how different are SU(2) and SU(3) Landau-gauge propagators in the IR regime?
Just How Strange? Loops, Poles and the Strangeness Radius of the Nucleon
Just one more approach to calculating the QCD ground state
Just so Higgs boson
Just so oscillations in supersymmetric standard model
Just So? Vacuum Oscillations and MSW: An Update
Just-So Oscillation: as Just as MSW?
Justification of the zeta function renormalization in rigid string model
Justifying the exotic Theta+ pentaquark
J^PC Exotic Mesons from the Bethe-Salpeter Equation
J_AW,WA functions in Passarino-Veltman reduction